Recently, I joined a book launch team for my 3rd book but still reaching out for God's hand to help me organize everything. Would this b...
Recently, I joined a book launch team for my 3rd book but still reaching out for God's hand to help me organize everything. Would this be possible? How long and how does God answer prayers? This page is a journey from faith to faith, in prayer, for His Glory. Please join me in praising Him for His wonderful Word, His Work of Love called, the Cycle of God's Grace.
Almost everything in life goes through a cycle to benefit us such as: water, air, food, time and seasons, and so much more. But do you believe that nothing but the love of God sustains the world and the life you live in? Here, you will see the process of God's grace, He has gifted me and you.
In the beginning, the earth was empty, and void. The Spirit hovered over the waters. God spoke and it came into existence. He created the heavens and the earth, and the things in it. In six days He filled the earth with His Love through His Word... and, rested the seventh day. (Based on the account of creation in Genesis 1 and 2).
Almost everything in life goes through a cycle to benefit us such as: water, air, food, time and seasons, and so much more. But do you believe that nothing but the love of God sustains the world and the life you live in? Here, you will see the process of God's grace, He has gifted me and you.
In the beginning, the earth was empty, and void. The Spirit hovered over the waters. God spoke and it came into existence. He created the heavens and the earth, and the things in it. In six days He filled the earth with His Love through His Word... and, rested the seventh day. (Based on the account of creation in Genesis 1 and 2).